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NPi-300 Pupillometer

The NPi-300 Pupillometer is a reliable handheld device for objective measurement of pupil reactivity in intensive care and also has an integrated barcode reader for 1D and 2D codes.

  • Technical data:
    Infrared camera with light stimulus provided by LED lamps. Contactless inductive charging of the Li-ion battery.
  • MDD classification:
    Class 1 LED product in accordance with IEC 60825.
  • Measurement:

    During the automated measurement, a total of 90 images are captured within 3 seconds. Measurement accuracy: +/- 0.03 mm.

    The measurement result is displayed on the screen and saved on the SmartGuard. The data can be read out with a SmartGuard Reader and saved in a table as preparation for the PDMS.

Measured parameters:
  • NPi:
    Neurological Pupil index
  • MAX:
    Pupil diameter before light stimulus in mm
  • MIN:
    Smallest measured pupil diameter in mm
  • % CH:
    Percentage change in pupil size in %
  • CV:
    Average constriction velocity in mm/s
  • MCV:
    Maximum constriction velocity in mm/s
  • LAT:
    Time delay until reaction to light stimulus occurs in s
  • DV:
    Dilation velocity in mm/s
Evaluation of the NPi
  • 3,0 – 4,9:
    Normal pupillary response
  • < 3,0:
    Abnormal pupillary response*
  • 0:
    Non-reactive or atypical pupillary response

*A difference in NPi between the right and left pupils of ≥ 0.7 may also be considered an abnormal pupil reading.

    The NPi is a numerical indicator of pupil reactivity. Any change in the NPi can be objectively determined, displayed as a trend, and documented for further action.